Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thinking of Max

Hello Everybody!
Mom and me was wondering if all of you could keep Max in your thoughts today.
Just like our furiend Bailey, Max has been havin' some trouble wif one of his rear legs, only fur him it is his left one. Mom took Max to da V-E-T a couple of weeks ago and got some 
Antee-Inflammatory medicines to give to him and da V-E-T told her to limit our playtime too...bummer. 
Mom and dad thought that he was gettin' better, but now he is back to limpin' again.
(Mom says please excuse da messiness on da table her was doin' some computer work fur da church)
This mornin' mom is taken Max back to da V-E-T fur some x-rays on his hips.  We will let you know what da x-rays tell da V-E-T as soon as we can. 
I sure hopes him is gonna be OK
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae 


  1. Oh poor Max! Paws crossed for you buddy keep us updated!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. allour paws are crossed for Max. Guess what? My Lily is limping on her left leg. Hmmmmmm
    Benny & Lily

  3. oh boy... that sure must be painful. Hope the xray tells you guys something... and our paws n fingers will be all crossed for dear Max. Take good care of him Maggie.

  4. Good greyhound vibes heading your way mate! Deccy x

  5. Awwww...poor Max. Paws crossed fur you buddy and sending lots of Scottie healing vibes your way!!!

    Jazzi and Addy

  6. Oh poor Max, that looks so painful. We hope the vet can get him fixed up and as good as new. We will be keeping Max in our thoughts and sending lots of healing purrs his way.

  7. Hey Max - that looks owchie! I'm hoin' the V.E.T. can fix you right up!!!

    Get better soon, Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  8. Poor Max! We sure will send healing thoughts!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  9. Oh no, poor Max! Our paws are crossed that the limpies go away soon!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Hope the visit to the v-e-t makes everything better!

  11. Wee has paws, eyes & legs crossed here and Moomi has a fingers crossed too here.
    Sendin Max healin forts n prayers n hopin da X rays show nuffin bads

  12. Okays dis just will NOT do! My poor Max...I mean poor Max.
    I wants him at da VET's office soon as he gets up and then I be sitting heres waiting furs my...er, an update.
    Ya'll will all be in our thoughts today and I hopes fur a good report...toes and legs crossed here.


  13. Are ya'll back from da VET yet?


  14. Max - Good luck at the vets. Hope you get spoilt rotten afterwards.

  15. Hey Max! We is thinkin of you!!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  16. >>Hugz<< n >>prayers<< for Max!!

  17. Hey Max.
    Wow, I'm so sorry you have the ouchies. I'm sending you a whole truckload of my strongest healing vibes so you feel all better fast. I bet that dogtor finds that you just played too hard and that's all. A little rest and good-as-new. Please keep us posted and I'm thinking of you Buddy.
    Grr and a Concerned Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  18. We're sending our very best thoughts for Max today!


  19. I hope that Max feels better very very soon, and that those xrays show a healthy hip! Our thoughts are with you, Max.

  20. Max, bummer about the VET visit butt hopefully it makes you all betters! Our paws are crossed.

    Sam and Pippen

  21. Poor Max! Paws crossed for you buddy!


  22. Poor Max! I hope the vet figures out what the problem is and gets him back to playtime asap!!

  23. OH NO... Maggie Mae... I am so sorry that Max is havin Hips troubles. Perhaps a nice massage and some nap time in a sun PUDDLES... heheheee
    Paws crossed fur him.

  24. Oh, I'm sending Max my Most Powerful Brindle Wishes that he just has a little something that can be fixed up lickety-split and that you can get back to playing and rassling again real soon!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  25. We're all sitting near the phone with our paws crossed for Max and Bailey. We should be hearing something pretty soon. Good luck Max.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  26. Awww, Max- So sorry to hear about your aches and pains in your wiggle end! We're sending you healing vibes and hoping you feel much better soon!

  27. Lola was having the same problem with her left back leg too. The vet took x-rays of her back legs and hips and she has arthritis in both knees. I have started giving her glucosomine(sp?) and it has worked wonders for her. It is like she is a puppy again.

    Hope it isn't anything too major and Max feels better soon.

  28. Oh noes Maggie Mae...sweet Max does truly have a lip. Bless his little heart. We hope and pray the cause is determined and he will be on his way to feeling better. Nose taps to him
    Hugs Madi

  29. we will keep him in our thoughts

    Stop on by for a visit

  30. Paws crossed for a good report. We wonder if Max didn't stretch or tear his ligament in his knee or something. His limp looks similiar to when we had Tabby and she tore her ACL, we thought it was just a sprain for a long time but actually found a tear. It was fixed at our best vet hospital and she never had any problems with it after that. We hope it is nothing serious for Max and it can be fixed with some rest and good snuggles. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  31. Oh no, there is nothing worse than having to limit your playtime! Boooo! We will be keeping Max in our thoughts.

  32. Maybe he's over used his wiggler? I know he wiggles hard every morning because he's thankful to be with you! My paws are crossed, hope it's nothing serious!

  33. Poor Max! We hope everything turns out okay...and inexpensive. He needs all four legs to do zoomies with you Maggie Mae.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

  34. His limp looks just like Riley's limp when she tore her ligament in her knee. :( We sure hope he doesn't have to have any surgery, but if he does have to have knee surgery, we've just been through it and can answer any questions.

    We sure hope it isn't his hip as that's about twice as expensive as knee surgery! Oh heck, we sure hope he doesn't have to have any surgery AT ALL! Surgery sucks!

    We hope he got good news at the V-E-T today and can be back to playing with you very soon! Sweet Max.

    Elyse and Riley

  35. Howdy Maggie Mae and Max, we hope your leg is better soon Max Man. You look like a very strong boy but take it easy for a little while. No worries (especially for Max's leggie) and love, Stella and Rory

  36. We hopes Max feels better real soon!! You two are featured over on our bloggie today!!

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three


  38. How old is Max again? My sister Starr had a problem called HOD when she was a puppy and she couldnt' walk at all and lost all her muscle mass in her back legs, it was so scary.

  39. Sending tonnes of doxie feel good vibes Max's way.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  40. Oh nose....Max, I'm so sorry your leggie is hurtin'. I'm sendin' you lots of good vibes and Florida sunshine to make you feel better.


  41. Oh noes, efurrything woz looking up fur the Max and now his leg wented all wonky again. You want me to ask my chiropractor to come up there and put Max back togedder fur you like he did me?

  42. Sorry we are so late getting here today. Max, we are so sorry you are having leg problems. We will cross our paws it isn't too serious. Hope you can give us an update on what the vet says. Feel better, pal.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  43. I keep lots of sick peeps and pets in my prayers so I'll most definitely add Max in too!

    Please do keep us updated. Poor guy! I hope that the x-rays will figure out what the problem is and that it's a simple fix for him.

    In the mean time, I know you and your mom will take excellent care of him.

  44. That looks super owie!


  45. We are so sorry to hear Max is not doing so well..

    I hope our prayers are not too late.. and we really pray hard that Max will have a speedy recovery after the surgery..

    GOd bless !

    P.s: Max has such a sweet face.. it's so painful to watch him in such discomfort..

    Zelle and mom
