Friday, December 23, 2011

Gift Exchange for Max

Hello Everbody
I was a little upset wif my mom, while I was at daycare on Tuesday her let Max open his pressies from Jazzi's Gift Exchange WIFOUT me helpin' him....da nerve! 
But don't worry after I got home him let me take dem away from him becuz sometimes I can be a bully play wif dem. 
Anyhoo, our good furiend Jack exchanged wif Max 
and Max exchanged wif Jack
Mom asked me if I would let Max show all of you his great pressies from Jack and da TG today and I said OK. 
Take it away Max!

Mom, what do you have there? 
A package just for me?
What a wonderful surprise, who is it from mom?
Jack and TG!
I am sure Maggie Mae won't mind if I open it up while she is at daycare...
  ...all done! 
Look at all of this wonderful stuff!
All of these gifts are rough and tough just like me and Jack
A tire, deer antler, peanut butter stuffed knuckle bone and a
hard core fire hose chew toy
Excellent choices for me Jack, thank you so much! 
I better play with them for a while before bossy 
Maggie Mae gets home and takes them from me.

Thanks again Jack for all of the great gifts! I sure hope you liked the ones I sent to you.
Your Buddy,

PeeS If you have time please come back Saturday and Sunday to read our posts but taking a cue from Mango, we will be having a comment free weekend on our blog

Have a Merry Christmas
 and continued blessings for all who are celebrating Hanukkah
Enjoy this time with family and friends

Woofs and Holiday Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max


  1. What great pressies! Merry Christmas
    Dachshund Nola

  2. I am so glad you got to play with them first, but I have a feeling you actually like sharing with MM. :)

  3. Oh wow, Max you got some really great pressies from Jack.

    Thanks for including the video, mommy laughed so hard her sides hurt.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Peanut butter stuffed knuckle bone . Surely the greatest Christmas present of all time ?

  5. Great presents Max. Love the video. Deccy

  6. Thats a great package there with cool gifts. That Jack is quite a guy Have fun playin.....

    Jazzi and Addy

  7. Oh me, Oh my yous looking good in da sunpuddle...ahhhhhhhh....Oh wait, what did Jack send you? I gots distracted!

    What fantastic gifts he gots you....hopefully they really will be indistructable!

    My mum gots a chuckle out of how nice all da shoes be lined up at your door...hehehehe.


  8. Jack sent you awesome gifts, Max! Lucky you to get to play with them for awhile before Maggie Mae returned!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  9. Very cool pressies there! I love that fire hose toy! Have a merry Christmas!

  10. Max, looks like a lot of those presents you'll be able to enjoy during your 'quiet time'.

    That video was so funny. We're laughin' here.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. Jack sure did make some great choices for your pressies, Max. Bet you love that antler - aren't they great? Happy holidays to all of you, and thanks for sharing a very fun video.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Morning Max
    Those are some mighty fine pressies you have there. So nice that you "share" with your sis.
    We hope your leggy is feeling good today. Take it easy so it heals up real quick.
    Sending you lots of doxie feel good rayz.
    Merry Christmas.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  13. Awesome pressies Max! I want an antler too! Never saw them in a store though, only online. Merry Christmas my handsome (blushing here) friend!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  14. Hey Max!
    Wow, what great pressies from your furiend! He sure knows how to shop. I bet you have hours and hours of fun.
    BTW: That video was the funniest one of the season!! Mom's laughing like crazy!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  15. OH MY ... Max those are just PERFECT pressies fur you!!
    May YOU and Maggie Mae and your peeps have the mostest Magical time EVER.

    LOVE the Silent Singing Monks.

  16. Hey Max! Mulligan here. Your Maggie Mae sounds just like mine. You were very smart to get all the time alone with your pressies that you could. Once the girls get hold of them, we Man Dogs are lucky to be able to get a nibble on a knuckle bone!

    I hope your leg feels better soon. My mom gives me some medicines too to make me feel better cuz this cold weather makes me hurt. I wish I could get in a warm jacuzzi like you get to. Any way, I hope you and your Maggie Mae have a wonderful Christmas. My mom says to tell you to tell your mom the same thing (Can't they just write each other and let us do our Man Dog Talk in peace???)

    A big wiggle and play bow to you my friend,
    Mulligan Man aka Handsome Man Dog

  17. Max, I am so understanding about your sissy being so bossy. These girls I live with are so bossy too! I try to be a gentleman but they are too much!


  18. Yes, I think our fancy fawns might have been separated at birth! Lucy does the same thing with toys, she hogs them and takes them away from Duke!! Luckily, he's very easy going and understands that his sister can be a little bit of a brat at times!

  19. Crikry..what a fabulous package! Max you are one lucky chappie.

    We hope your leggie is feeling better.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  20. Ooooh, Max! You scored big time!

    Bummer you didn't get to help him, Maggie Mae! Oh well, at least he is sharing his pressies with you!

    Merry Christmas to your family from us!

    Elyse and Riley

  21. Howdy Max Man, those are darn good pressies. I know what you mean about big sissies 'borrowing' your things. My Stella does it to me. Looks like you had heaps fun. No worries, and slobber, Rory

  22. You got some pawsome loot there, Max! Now you need to find youself a hidey spot fur it so Maggie Mae cannot find it, errr I mean to keep it safe fur when Maggie Mae gets home from daycare.

  23. Maggie Mae......I am soooo excited to get to know your most handsome brudder, Max. It looks like he hit da JACKpot with his Christmas pressies!!!

    Hope you both have a wonderful Christmas.....and da humans too!!
    Your furrend,

  24. Wow, you got some most excellent pressies, Max! Jack did a great job shopping for you.

    Shiver can be a bit of a bossy bully too. He thinks all the toys and treats are his and will take them away from Chico if I don't watch him closely.

    Love the video. Seen it before but it never gets old.

  25. Those look like great presents. Aren't holidays fun? We got treats today at our party.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  26. WOW...what great pressies!!!

    Dory, Jakey and Bilbo

  27. you sure got some cool gifts. You better hide them
    Benny & Lily

  28. Such nice presents. How did it feel to get to open your own package and play with your own toys before Maggie Mae came home? Merry Christmas!

  29. Merry Christmas Maggie Mae, Max and your peeps! :D


  30. Those are great pressies!

    Stop on by for a visit

  31. Hey Maggie Mae & Max!
    Wow, I sure hope your whole pack has a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
    Grr and a Festive Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  32. Merry Christmas Maggie Mae, Max and mom and dad!

    We tried to leave some messages in the recent posts but we have problem doing so..

    I hope Max is doing well with his leg..

    Again, wishing everyone a safe Xmas & Happy New Year!

    Zelle and Family

  33. A blessed Christmas to you and your family, Maggie Mae and Max!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
